Leah Brunskill
Senior Marketing Manager
Q. How did it feel winning an award recently?
It was really great to win an award. You can be really proud of certain products, campaigns and work you’re doing, but to receive an award for it really gives a boost to the whole team. It also solidifies that you’re all heading in the right direction.
Q. How did you end up with a career in marketing and how did you find yourself in the mortgage industry?
Marketing was something I wanted to do as soon as I got my first role. I didn’t know what I wanted to do throughout school and further education, but as soon as I saw what the marketing department were doing in the college where I worked, I thought ‘yes, that’s what I want to do’. Finance, as it seems is the case for a lot of people, happened by accident, however. I got offered a role with a
bridging and development lender when I moved to a different part of the country, and it went from there really! I’ve been really fortunate to ‘fall’ into such a great industry doing something I love.
Q. Where do you live?
I live in Surrey (or Greater London dependent on who you speak to) in Surbiton.
A Blue Staffy called Dexter, and a Tuxedo cat called Diego. They’re 10 and 7 and keep my house nicely stocked with mud and leaves from the garden.
Q. Do you have a favourite saying?
I do live by ‘the time will pass anyway’. I think the full quote is ‘Never give up on a
dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway’.
Q. What was the first (or last) concert/gig you went to?
My first ever concert was Westlife when I was 12.
Q. What advice would you give to other marketers in the mortgage market?
Be flexible. Things can change within a matter of hours, so you need to be able to adapt and overcome.
Q. What is your favourite city you have ever been to?
I think it would have to be Sibiu in Romania, it’s incredibly pretty, and I accidently came across Alex Clare performing there, which was a highlight.
Q. If you were Prime Minister, what would you change?
I would make gazumping illegal. I would also give more support to transforming derelict properties – there’s so much potential across the UK.
Q. If money was no object, where in the world would you like to visit?
Patagonia – it’s on my list. Maybe one day!