Jeff Knight
Forum Director
Q. How did you end up with a career in marketing and how did you find yourself in the mortgage industry?
I did a general business studies degree and felt a real draw to marketing. I loved the psychology of it. It loved data and being analytical and I loved being creative and devloping ideas. Marketing was perfect. I did the whole CIM route and my first proper job was in Financial Services, which I fell into. I wanted a new job, with more respnonsibility, and came across a job in Canary Wharf for a new mortgage lender. That was it. I was in the mortgage market and worked my way up to Marketing Director. The rest is history.
Where do you live?
Harpenden, Herts.
Do you have a favourite saying? I often quote Einstein when giving presentations. My favourite of his is "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Q. What’s your favourite TV advert?
This is so old this advert, but it was for Maxell (who made audio cassettes) and they had songs playing where the lyrics were mis-heard. I loved music in advertising when studying and wanted to do my disitation on the subject, but could not as it had been done before. Q. What was the first (or last) concert/gig you went to? The first was Depeche Mode in 1984 (before many of you were born). I am seeing them again in 2023. I have seen U2 more than any other band (lost count). Last gig was recently to see Tom Grennan at the O2.
Q. What advice would you give to other marketers in the mortgage market?
You have to demonstrate credibility. Use your data and insights to drive this. Take time to build relationships with key stakeholders. Communicate often. Show passion for your job and trust your instincts.
Don't use jargon and share those metrics what matter most. Always have a mentor or a coach.
Always, always keep learning. The market changes. So must your marketing.
Q. What is your favourite city you have ever been to?
Edinburgh during the Fringe.
Q. If money was no object, where in the world would you like to visit?
If money and the political environment was right, it would be to visit the Victoria Falls.
Q. What is your favourite film?
Dead Poets Society.